About Our Company

Our company was incorporated since year 1981, specializing in acrylic products manufacturing, especially the acrylic showcase like cake cover, food container, display holder, brochure stand, signboard, trophy & gift, variety sizes of photo-frame, stationery, etc. Throughout Malaysia, we supply direct to large number of major hypermarkets, superstores, prestige pen suppliers, electronic suppliers, food & snack manufacturers, etc. Extensively, we are also supplying our products directly to foreign customers in Asia Pacific region.

U-Mag Acrylic Products (M) Sdn Bhd
No. 3, Jalan Masyhur 6, Taman Perindustrian Cemerlang, 81800 Ulu Tiram, Johor, Malaysia.
+607-861 6668
+607-861 6575
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U-Mag Acrylic